Fall in love with your story…

Coaching and Mentoring sessions….designed to give you the confidence you seek to step into who you truly ARE…

1 Day VIP Session

When we move through a transformation or an up level within our business, we all need that moment of clarity.

This session is designed to take a deep dive into your business story.

We spend a day together in person in deep creation mode.

  • Stories are shared and refined.

  • Amplification strategies are created.

  • Keynote talks refined.

Why is this important ? 

Because that’s where the gold is found. 

This session is deeper than just deciphering your ideal customer (thats part of it).  

This deep immersion is designed with you in mind. You BE-ing the constant in your business. 

We dive into the past, present and future of you and your business. 

What is included in a 1 Day VIP Session?

A deep dive into your business journey - the past, present and future.

We determine who you are speaking to, and where they reside. This allows us to get to the gold.

You will walk away with the confidence to share your story.

You will also receive a full strategy document and suggestions that you can implement, or hire us to do so on your behalf.

In person full day deep dive £1,888.

Location to be confirmed, payment plans are available.

Amplify hour

Amplify hour is a space just for you.

Before you embark on a journey it’s always advisable to take a breath.

To take an hour to figure out…

  • Who you are… know your truth

  • Who you are here to serve…

  • And what stories connect them all…

This hour will enable us to start to scratch the surface of these three questions, you’ll be surprised what you uncover and what you want to share, and I will be there holding your space throughout.

What is included

One hour of diving deep into your story

You’ll walk away with the recording, transcript and clear recommendations for next steps.

Plus: Whats App support up to 48 hours after

Amplify Hour is £444

Love Stories Retreat

Once upon a time there was a group of women who gathered round the fire, drank wine and shared stories for 4 days.

There was no fixed agenda, just a space to BE together.

No coaches or over subscribed spaces, an opportunity to really go with the flow.

And thus the F**k All retreat was born.

Stories where unravelled and recast.

A book was written celebrating the Circle of Sisterhood that gathered in the Summer. You can still lay your hands on that now.

Like Glastonbury Festival, we decided to give the F**K All Retreat a well earned rest.

Well ‘She’ is calling to resurface, new stories to be shared, more wine to be drank.

If all of this sounds exactly what your nervous system is craving then I invite you to share your interest.


What is included in the Love Stories Retreat?

Beautiful space to lay your head for 4 Days / 3 nights

Opportunity to bring and share your medicine - rituals, workshops and offerings to the group are all welcome.

To secure your space no refundable deposit of £50.

Total amount TBC

Location to be confirmed, payment plans are available.