Sarah Lloyd Sarah Lloyd

Demystifying Public Relations… What is it really?

De mystifying public relations for entrepreneurs… what stories do you want to share?

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, understanding the nuances of Public Relations (PR) can be key to elevating your business's visibility and credibility.

While many business owners may confuse PR with marketing, advertising, or social media, it's important to recognize the unique role PR plays in securing media coverage and shaping brand perception.

So, what is Public Relations, anyway?

At its core, PR is the art of securing coverage in various media outlets, such as magazines, newspapers, and TV shows. I like to say that its effectively when someone else says your product, service or offering is good… that third party endorsement can go a long way!

Unlike advertising that involves paid promotions, PR focuses on earning publicity through strategic storytelling and relationship-building with journalists and influencers. By crafting compelling narratives and securing media placements, PR helps businesses establish trust, credibility, and brand awareness among their target audience.

The Customer Journey and the Power of PR

In today's digitally connected world, consumers go through a series of touchpoints before making a purchasing decision. From social media posts to online reviews and magazine features, PR plays a crucial role in guiding consumers towards their "moment of truth" - the point at which they decide to make a purchase. By integrating PR efforts with advertising, marketing, and social media strategies, businesses can create a cohesive brand experience and drive conversions effectively.

Navigating the PR Landscape: Content Framework and Consistency

To harness the power of PR effectively, it's essential to develop a comprehensive content framework strategy. This strategy forms the foundation for creating consistent messaging across different communication channels and aligning your brand's values with your target audience's expectations. By maintaining consistency in your messaging and themes, you can establish a strong brand identity and engage with customers authentically.

Overcoming PR Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

While diving into the world of PR may seem daunting, it's essential to address any barriers that may be holding you back.

By exploring fears, past negative experiences, or misconceptions about PR, you can pave the way for a more strategic and impactful PR approach. Embrace PR as a powerful tool for sharing your story, connecting with your audience, and expanding your business's reach and influence.

Unlocking the Potential of PR for Business Success

In conclusion, mastering the art of Public Relations can open up a world of opportunities for your business. By understanding the unique role PR plays in shaping brand perception, securing media coverage, and engaging with your audience, you can position your business for success in today's competitive market landscape.

Embrace the power of PR, leverage media coverage effectively, and watch your business soar!

What is holding YOU back? And how can I help you with that?

For PR Services check out this link

For Storytelling Mentoring check out this link 

For a Connection call book in here | WhatsApp: 07917 840718

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Sarah Lloyd Sarah Lloyd

Spirituality has gone mainstream… now how can you harness that?

Spirituality has gone mainstream… now what are you going to do to stand out?

If you are a soul-led business owner; or female entrepreneur it’s likely you are always thinking about your business no matter what. 

If you are a spiritual business owner or a business who offers alternative, spiritual and wellness practices and looking to widen your circles… I have news for you… 

The mainstream are well and truly embracing moon cycles, shamanic healing, retreats, ice baths, breathwork, psychedelics, energy healing, human design and life coaching.

Perhaps that is why our once coveted, and favourite spiritual magazines are slowly disappearing (hopefully for a rebirth). 

This is what we all wanted right?

For people to wake up and start to adopt these practices. 
It means that being quirky and alternative can’t be your only USP anymore!

It means we have to really dig into to your story, your journey and where these people are. 
If you are a spiritual coach or practitioner its likely that your circles are pretty small.

We all found each other on retreats and during our dark night moments. 

But what about all those people, who are now catching you up? 

The ones who need support and are looking for you?

These people are not reading spiritual magazines; they are paying attention to the Celebs who talk about past life trauma and gaining guidance from psychics; they are listening to Chris Evans on the radio (who quotes Eckhart Tole every show BTW); they are tuning into Russell Brands podcasts and retreats; they are still reading Stylist; Cosmopolitan; Prima; RED; and watching the BBC.
The thing about my approach, is I am bridge between the two worlds. 

I am a spiritual practitioner; I am also someone who earned her stripes in the corporate world. 

I have supported 100’s of spiritual and wellbeing businesses share their stories in the media; and whilst it didn’t result in immediate bookings, what it did do, is made healing a mainstream agenda item. 

I’ll teach you the things that work; we’ll unravel some of things holding you back - one thing that is for sure, you will walk away with the confidence to share your wisdom and story in a way that feels expansive and in alignment with your energy. 

My ‘Amplify your Business’ workshop might be exactly the high-vibe and transformational experience you need. 

Ready to Be Seen? 

Come join us!

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Sarah Lloyd Sarah Lloyd


Celebrating magical connection. PR is found in community.

Yo, Sarah… what’s this about again… this #celebratingmagicalconnection thing?

Well I’ll tell you.

PR is when someone else says you are good.

One thing I am good at is promoting others.  I talk about this a lot… Sarah and her bloody dots, we should acknowledge all our dots.

Publicity isn’t just about media coverage.

It’s about the dots – the doors that open – the people we connect with – the inspiration and lessons we learn along the way. I wanted to honour the connections I have made along the way throughout my 5-year journey as Indigo Soul PR. 

The people, the businesses I have worked with, or have been inspired by. And to share the brilliance and offers they have available, in case one of you is inspired or needs some magic in your life. #CelebratingMagicalConnection

And perhaps others will do the same, about their connections, sharing their stories.

  • It costs nothing to tell people they have inspired you.

  • It costs nothing to talk about the magic they have brought into your life.

  • And the feeling they get when they know they have changed a life – well it’s actually pretty special.

Why don’t we do this sh*t more?

Stories are meant to be shared. Humans are meant to connect. We are all connected.

Love, Sarah

P.S. Join me over in my Facebook Group – Connecting the dots!

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Sarah Lloyd Sarah Lloyd

PR is when someone else says you are good!

PR is when someone else says your shiz is good.

I love chatting to others about what PR is, and how it can amplify your message. 

The one question that often comes up, but never gets asked is… so what EXACTLY is PR? Simply put, ‘PR is when someone else says you are good’.

These days, with more access to technology and each other than ever before, we have all become journalists in some way. We share articles that trigger or inspire us, post about issues that affect our daily lives, and even recommend other people’s amazing coaching skills, or reiki sessions. 

All of this by the way is public relations. 

Good old-fashioned word of mouth. 

And when someone else, YOU trust is telling you to get that book or try that coach, you more often than not check it out. When the media (or publications you trust) says your shiz is good, then people you never met before, will also think… well this shiz is good I’ll go try it out, buy it, follow you etc. And voila a new connection is made. 

Do you see how powerful that is? 

I had a lovely profile piece appear in Spirit & Destiny in November, and I can tell you that 3 people reached out as a result of that piece to talk about different ways I could potentially help them.

And those are the people I know about.

If you are interested in learning a bit more about how to get started, why not join me in my Facebook Group – Connecting the dots!

Love, Sarah

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Sarah Lloyd Sarah Lloyd

ISPR… is radically different PR

ISPR is radically different PR…

ISPR’ offer PR services, but with a radically different approach.

We love to hold space for magic, for alchemy, and for the energetic cycles of our clients and the collective.

We honour the ebb and flow of energy, creative cycles that naturally occur. 

We know the importance of combining the masculine energy of a plan in place with the feminine flow of allowing events, ideas and opportunities to unfold and drop in.

There are times when some of our clients feel blocked, needing to step back, or don’t want to be sharing their stories. 

The truth is that often in that liminal space of the void is when a new idea is coming to life, or a new layer of expansion is happening at soul level (on a human level it often feels more chaotic than that, as we can all relate to!).

Conversely, there’s other times in their cycles when they do want to be sharing their stories and being more visible; when content creation is prolific, confidence is high, and opportunities are flowing in.

By honouring where everyone is in their energetic cycle and needs, the true essence of what we are here to share is allowed to come through when it needs to.

We create a structure and an outline of what we are aiming for, but allow space and flexibility for co-creation, synchronicity, and magic.

The alchemy session that clients have before becoming a client really kicks off an energetic shift in attracting opportunities for platforms, connections and coverage. 

The deck itself outlines a plan, but the magic of the alchemy session goes way beyond a set of digital pages – it’s a moment in time when the client is really seen, I reflect their achievements and unique story back to them, and we co-create a vision that calls in opportunities that are an energetic match.

The VIP offering we provide is such a powerful element that really builds on that initial co-creation of our magic; because when we can’t see our own greatness, you have an expert who can and does mirror that back. 

One thing is for certain, it is PR but it is so much more. 

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Sarah Lloyd Sarah Lloyd

We are ALL connected

We are all connected.

This morning it hit me. How we are ALL connected.

I actually saw the threads between us all. It was a mind blown moment.

It also affirmed what I, and so many others know. That when your tribe appears in your life, community feeling, the circles upon circles and circles of people, that all overlap; we are all connected.

When you take that time to truly open up to receiving help, guidance, love, light from all the places, AND you widen your circles more help arrives, more support arrives, more LOVE arrives.

‘Bit deep Sarah for a Monday morning’… 

It is, but stick with me… the old habits taught us our group was our group and that was that, we locked ourselves in.

  • We didn’t allow ‘just’ anyone in… we turned our backs on the other groups. Even if the group started to hurt us, it got toxic, it didn’t serve any more.

  • We clung to it because we had history. We didn’t know where else to go. We felt all out of options. Like an addiction – chasing that initial ‘love’ high.

  • If you did hang out with another group, then that was treacherous to your original group, so you were ousted, or it got hard, clinging to the hope and feeling of belonging.

  • Why is it so hard to let go of a situation like that? I am guessing it’s because we used to feel held and supported.

And something changed. You changed or they did. And all of that… is totally ok and healthy. What if you could dip in and out of other tribes, you could bring other tribe members to other tribes, and so on. With none of the BS I described. 

You could collaborate on all the levels – with no agenda, just because you could share the love?

What then? 

My hope is my facebook group and my workshops are like that… we hold you, help you to connect dots and work through anything stopping you sharing your voice. The thing is, it’s not just me connecting the dots, all the members connect each other’s dots too, growing our families or tribes. You join wanting help to share, you leave with friends and a wider circle of connections…

If this sounds like your kind of place, then drop me a line to find out more or Join me over in my Facebook Group – Connecting the dots!

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