Sarah Lloyd PR

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Spirituality has gone mainstream… now how can you harness that?

If you are a soul-led business owner; or female entrepreneur it’s likely you are always thinking about your business no matter what. 

If you are a spiritual business owner or a business who offers alternative, spiritual and wellness practices and looking to widen your circles… I have news for you… 

The mainstream are well and truly embracing moon cycles, shamanic healing, retreats, ice baths, breathwork, psychedelics, energy healing, human design and life coaching.

Perhaps that is why our once coveted, and favourite spiritual magazines are slowly disappearing (hopefully for a rebirth). 

This is what we all wanted right?

For people to wake up and start to adopt these practices. 
It means that being quirky and alternative can’t be your only USP anymore!

It means we have to really dig into to your story, your journey and where these people are. 
If you are a spiritual coach or practitioner its likely that your circles are pretty small.

We all found each other on retreats and during our dark night moments. 

But what about all those people, who are now catching you up? 

The ones who need support and are looking for you?

These people are not reading spiritual magazines; they are paying attention to the Celebs who talk about past life trauma and gaining guidance from psychics; they are listening to Chris Evans on the radio (who quotes Eckhart Tole every show BTW); they are tuning into Russell Brands podcasts and retreats; they are still reading Stylist; Cosmopolitan; Prima; RED; and watching the BBC.
The thing about my approach, is I am bridge between the two worlds. 

I am a spiritual practitioner; I am also someone who earned her stripes in the corporate world. 

I have supported 100’s of spiritual and wellbeing businesses share their stories in the media; and whilst it didn’t result in immediate bookings, what it did do, is made healing a mainstream agenda item. 

I’ll teach you the things that work; we’ll unravel some of things holding you back - one thing that is for sure, you will walk away with the confidence to share your wisdom and story in a way that feels expansive and in alignment with your energy. 

My ‘Amplify your Business’ workshop might be exactly the high-vibe and transformational experience you need. 

Ready to Be Seen? 

Come join us!