Stories are at the heart of everything…

I’m Sarah Lloyd.

I love to read stories, tell stories and share stories. Especially the ones that inspire change and get you thinking…

Stories can actually change the world.

PR is one of the most powerful way to share those stories far and wide, and I have spent the past 25 years helping businesses of all shapes and sizes to do that.

When you connect with the stories that created your business and led to this point, the gold is always there.

You just need an Alchemist to help you uncover it.

Hi! That would be me!

I co-create with incredible business owners just like you to amplify their work through the potency and power of storytelling in a way that feels good, and is in alignment with who you truly are. I will help you to choose the opportunities that are in alignment with you, and you can trust me to deliver. I love to work with businesses who are passionate about what they provide and aligned with their own mission.

And I will always say if we cannot help you, or if something isn’t aligning. Check out my rules of engagement here.

Honesty and transparency and FUN are at the heart of how I create our magic with you, and it really matters to me that we are all working from the same place of trust and flow.

Sharing your story is just one facet of the alchemy I spark with you, doors will and do open, you will become more confident in who you are, and what you represent.

I will join forces with you, your business and vision to call in the next stage of your message, visibility, and service. And I will endeavour to help you work through any stories that could be holding you back, or coming up to be witnessed and healed.

So, what story is calling to be shared, and how can I help with that?

Love, Sarah

Get to know me better…

In March 2024 I was invited to speak at the Women Thrive Summit about how to fall in love with your story. Here is a short video they very kindly shared about me and my talk!

You can still catch my podcast recording here

Storytelling Offerings

  • ISPR Stories

    I have 25 years experience in Global PR and Communications.

    I’ve helped CEO’s raise their personal profile; amplified festivals & events and supported authors in sharing their books through the power of PR.

    I also offer Freelance consultancy services for Corporate Marketing Teams and PR agencies.


    Love Stories - Coaching and Mentoring Sessions

    As stories are at the heart of everything we do, these sessions are designed to help you not only fall in love with your story, but also gain the confidence you are seeking to succeed.

    Expect to dive deep into your story, and leave with the clarity and confidence to take things to the next level.

    Choose from 1 hour sessions, a VIP day or a 3 day retreat.

  • Shame-Less Stories: The Podcast

    Stories can educate, connect and inspire us.

    Ever shared a story in your circles, where some one else has said ‘oh me too’; or ‘i see you”… that shame set free?

    When we share from a place of power i.e our scar not our wound, we connect with our audience at a deeper level.

    I wanted to create a safe space to share our stories in a shameless and unapologetic way so we may empower others.

  • LIVE SOON: Girls Stories - Circles for Girls

    As a Mum to two girls, I see the value in creating safe spaces and places for them to share their stories, before they take root.

    Encouraging girls to sit in circle, to learn how to hold space for each other, to play and create positive stories together.

    This tried and tested Girls Circle can be held by teachers or parents wishing to create space for their tweens and teens.

“Can you fall in love with your story - warts n’ all?”

— Sarah Lloyd, The Storytelling Alchemist

Don’t take my word for it…

We’ve had the joy of supporting 100’s of amazing clients in the technology, wellness, entrepreneurial and publishing spaces over the past few years, and earned our stripes in businesses, brands and festivals such as the below.

Client Love

As seen in…